
Recipies. Diet tips. Research. Musings. Food facts. My story.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So my diet at the moment is FULL of fats.
Good ones of course.
After dealing with depression/feeling crap/roller coaster emotions for years, I have finally found some ways to balance myself.
Coconut oil!
I eat this by the spoonful. If I'm craving something sweet/fatty example shortbread creams (biggest craving atm!) I'll have a teaspoon or two of coconut oil instead. Craving gone. It's great for cooking as well. This lady explains better than I ever could: http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/five-fats-you-must-have-in-your-kitchen/
Also I'm breast feeding but I hate eating/I am a terrible eater and would rather just snack then go to the effort of cooking anything good lol. So Avocado is another AWESOME food. I mush it with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, some SEAsalt and a wee bit of pepper. Either spread it on some of these: Ryvita Crispbread Multi Grainor if I'm all out we usually have these:Arnotts Vita Wheat Crispbread 9 Grain
Avocado is one of those super awesome foods that is easy to keep in the fridge when ripe and easy to chuck in a salad, on toast, in a wrap ect. It goes with anything. Sliced cheese and tomato. Chicken and cheese. Cucumber slices. In an omelet or scrambled eggs. You get the picture.
A few notes about Avocado: Contains a buttload of vitamin C (important in helping you absorb iron from other foods), folate, vitamin K and E, fibre, antioxidants. More details http://www.avocado.org.au/nutrition/nutritional_information.aspx
Flaxseed oil. It contains both omega's 3 and 6. These are both essential fatty acids and are anti-lipogenic (block fat storage) and increase beta oxidation (fat burning). More info here: http://www.melrosehealth.com.au/health_products/Heart_Joint_Skin_Arthritis/Melrose-Chemical-Free-Flaxseed-Oil-250ml.aspx

Ok that's all for now. I'll edit/ add more later.


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