
Recipies. Diet tips. Research. Musings. Food facts. My story.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Orange juice.


If that doesn't rock your world.....

It is also full of sugar. Appetite suppressant. Yep, we've stopped buying it. From now on if I want a glass of orange juice to mix my barley grass powder in, I'll squeeze a damn orange or two!


Iodine!  The little brown bottle that says POISON down the side....Super, super, SUPER important for brain development. The girl behind the counter at the chemist must have thought I was crazy/ suicidal when I asked where I could find the liquid iodine hahahaha.
Recommended dosage for the average person is 150μg/day (whatever that is... i think about 2-4 drops of the liquid) It is used by our thyroid. However iodine is not stored(only a little is stored and used at a time), any excess is excreted so I am currently taking a teaspoon a day in some water. You can put it in orange juice but I wouldn't recommend it. I'll explain the problem with orange (any) juice in another post later.
Ok so why is it necessary? Studies show Australians in general are iodine deficient. Most foods in the average persons diet containing iodine are all processed foods. Which I avoid...



So my diet at the moment is FULL of fats.
Good ones of course.
After dealing with depression/feeling crap/roller coaster emotions for years, I have finally found some ways to balance myself.
Coconut oil!
I eat this by the spoonful. If I'm craving something sweet/fatty example shortbread creams (biggest craving atm!) I'll have a teaspoon or two of coconut oil instead. Craving gone. It's great for cooking as well. This lady explains better than I ever could: http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/five-fats-you-must-have-in-your-kitchen/
Also I'm breast feeding but I hate eating/I am a terrible eater and would rather just snack then go to the effort of cooking anything good lol. So Avocado is another AWESOME food. I mush it with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, some SEAsalt and a wee bit of pepper. Either spread it on some of these: Ryvita Crispbread Multi Grainor if I'm all out we usually have these:Arnotts Vita Wheat Crispbread 9 Grain
Avocado is one of those super awesome foods that is easy to keep in the fridge when ripe and easy to chuck in a salad, on toast, in a wrap ect. It goes with anything. Sliced cheese and tomato. Chicken and cheese. Cucumber slices. In an omelet or scrambled eggs. You get the picture.
A few notes about Avocado: Contains a buttload of vitamin C (important in helping you absorb iron from other foods), folate, vitamin K and E, fibre, antioxidants. More details http://www.avocado.org.au/nutrition/nutritional_information.aspx
Flaxseed oil. It contains both omega's 3 and 6. These are both essential fatty acids and are anti-lipogenic (block fat storage) and increase beta oxidation (fat burning). More info here: http://www.melrosehealth.com.au/health_products/Heart_Joint_Skin_Arthritis/Melrose-Chemical-Free-Flaxseed-Oil-250ml.aspx

Ok that's all for now. I'll edit/ add more later.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Food Blog!

This is a blog about food. I love food!
Basically a lazy person's (me) guide to healthy and delicious eating!
Also, Im not jut going to say, "Yo, eat this it's good for you." or "Don't eat this it's crap/killing you/ making you fat." I'm going to link the research behind it. I follow alot of crunchy blogs so I'll most likely link you to anything interesting there too.

#Side note: Spelling and grammar are out the window as I'm usually typing with one hand while breastfeeding DD2 Trix.