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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Iodine!  The little brown bottle that says POISON down the side....Super, super, SUPER important for brain development. The girl behind the counter at the chemist must have thought I was crazy/ suicidal when I asked where I could find the liquid iodine hahahaha.
Recommended dosage for the average person is 150μg/day (whatever that is... i think about 2-4 drops of the liquid) It is used by our thyroid. However iodine is not stored(only a little is stored and used at a time), any excess is excreted so I am currently taking a teaspoon a day in some water. You can put it in orange juice but I wouldn't recommend it. I'll explain the problem with orange (any) juice in another post later.
Ok so why is it necessary? Studies show Australians in general are iodine deficient. Most foods in the average persons diet containing iodine are all processed foods. Which I avoid...



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